As the elected governing body of the School District, the Board believes in sharing its decision-making processes with the public and welcomes public input on issues pertaining to education. The Board of Education welcomes public comment and believes that strong community engagement and outreach are important components of a successful school system.
Members of the public who wish to address the Board may make public comment during a Board meeting, per Board Policy 8346. Patrons wishing to provide public comment are required to identify themselves in writing, including an address, and the name of any organization represented by such person. A sign-in sheeet will be provided by the Board Secretary and individuals must sign in to speak before the Public Comment agenda item begins.
Up to 120 minutes will be allotted for public comment with a five-minute time limit for individual speakers. Time is managed in the most effective manner to include as many community voices as possible within the time allotted. The Board President or Chair has the authority to extend the two-hour time limit on public comment. The Board may vote to modify these time limits when the Board deems appropriate.
If your topic is unrelated to the meeting's agenda you may also sign up to speak with the understanding that the Board cannot take formal action on items not on the agenda.
If you would like to give input to the Board, but don't wish to speak at a meeting, you can use the Contact the Board of Education Form.
The Board receives citizen input with respect and expects those who address the Board to observe the same courtesy. Speakers will be permitted to address the Board consistent with free speech rights. However, offensive language, defamatory or slanderous remarks, and hostile or disruptive conduct will not be tolerated. Charges or complaints against a school employee should not be made for the first time at a Board meeting without having followed the school's complaint procedure as described in Board Policy 1020. Further, if the subject of public comment is related to a particular student or staff member, members of the public are generally not permitted to identify the student or staff member and should instead provide that information to the Board Secretary.
Members of the public may use recording devices to record any part of a meeting of a public body, except for closed sessions. No recording, other than note taking, shall be done without informing the President in advance, and the President shall have control of the placement of the recording device.
Members of the public who wish to distribute paper documents (no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches) should provide these documents to the Board Secretary for distribution to the Board members. Please provide seven copies of any materials presented to the Board. Persons speaking may not use any other form of media, and must refrain from the use of posters, signs, costumes, and other props and/or photographs.
The Board of Education reserves the right to make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations regarding the conduct of persons attending its meeting and regarding their privilege to speak. Those who do not abide by these regulations may, at the President's discretion, immediately forfeit the remainder of their time during the Public Comment agenda item.
The Scottsbluff Board of Education complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need accommodations in connection with a Board of Education meeting, please notify the District Office at 308-635-6200, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that necessary arrangements can be made.