What is TeamMates?
TeamMates is a school based, one-to-one mentoring program founded by Tom and Nancy Osborne in 1991. The Mission of TeamMates is to positively impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential. Dr. Tom Osborne, who at the time was the head coach of the Nebraska football team, started the program. He asked his players to give back to the community by going into the schools in Lincoln to be matched with a student in an effort to provide support and encouragement to the youth. One goal of the TeamMates program is to see youth graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education.
What is a TeamMates' Mentor?
A TeamMates Mentor is someone who provides a young person with support, friendship, and a positive example. TeamMates' Mentors want to help students be all that they can be.
Who Could be a Mentee?
What student could not benefit from having a mentor listen to them, cheer for them, encourage them to become whatever it is that they want to become? Young people like being around positive, successful adult role models. Young people want guidance in setting and achieving goals.
What are Some Facts about TeamMates Mentoring Program?
Research shows that 49% of TeamMates youth experience improvement in grades, 76% show fewer disciplinary referrals and 82% improve attenance at school.
During the 2010/2011 school year TeamMates reached 5,000 matches and they have set the goal of 10,000by 2015.
TeamMates is now in California, Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa.
What do I do During Mentor Time?
TeamMates matches meet at school so you have a safe place to meet and are surrounded by reasources. You can take time to listen, play a game, share a hobby, work on a puzzle, or shoot a few hoops. There are many fun things to do.
How can I help make the one hour difference?
By becoming a TeamMates' Mentor or making a donation to TeamMates. If you are interested in becoming a Mentor contact Mary Kay Haun, Coordinator at 402-499-6452 or [email protected], or visit http://teammates.org/about-mentoring/become-a-mentor-with-teammates/. Watch the video below to see how you can make the One Hour Difference: